
Showing posts from 2010

A lesson learned in SSRS 2005

I was working on some large SSRS reports for Project Server 2007. I found sum(column A + column B) is not same as sum(column A) + sum(column B). Because, if there is any Null value in columns A or B, the first one will generate #ERROR message and the second one will handle this better. Something you learned from elementary school is not sure any more in this complex world.

How to check-in Multiple documents in SharePoint Document Library

Some time, people use the explorer view to upload a lot of document into a SharePoint Document library, but it is a pain to check in them one by one. You can go to to check in all once.

How to replace "*" in Excel

In Excel, if you want to replace "*" with something else and you are using the "Find and Replace ..." menue item, it wont work because Excel thinks "*" is a wild card character. The trick is to use "~*", which is the escape character. Another unannounced feature in Microsoft world.